Saturday, December 25, 2010


The only limit we have is the one we place in mind by our thinking.

...Stay Inspired.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Magic Minute

Every one needs a magic minute to do something spectacular. I found one simple step to do just that. Click Here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where Is Your Hope?

I watched this day as my activities has gradually reshaped my life and standard of living. I tried to examine my weaknesses and how far they have held me back and my strength, how much they have advanced me. In all, it was so clear to me that the best life to live is a life of hope and absolute confidence in the provision and mercy of the Almighty God.

...Stay Inspired.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Today, as I discussed with a member (staff) of my organization, I discovered that the limit most people get in the work environment is the limit they place in themselves by how they make others believe they can't be trusted ON issues that has to do with making a decision.

The average mind is always so afraid of making a decision especially when they involve taking a stand on matters that are challenging. People are always looking at the way you take decisions. If you do it wisely with courage, they are going to want you to make one for them someday.

...Stay Inspired.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Be A Winner!

Winners are ordinary people like everyone else, who were hit, beaten, discouraged, disapproved, discomforted, resisted yet refused to give up on what they believe is their purpose for being alive. Winners have every reason to have stopped but are optimistic that every challenge withstood is an indication that light will soon shine as we approach the end of the tunnel.

...Stay Inspired.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Today, I had to wait for about 5hours to get the business of the day started. I waited not because I wanted to wait but I was forced to wait as my Internet Service Provider had some technical difficulty which kept me from posting my messages online. I almost became nervous as I was runnning into a mess to deliver to my clients but I decided to create something useful out of my predicament.

When you have done all you are capable of doing and life still get hard on you, stand still and look at the possibilities that you still have. Never let the difficulties and pains you have experienced becloud your mind. You have the power to either let "LIFE KNOCK YOU OUT OF THE RACE OR STAY ON THE RACE NO MATTER WHAT".

...Stay Inspired.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just Believe

Believing is a key that can unlock any gate in any situation. Believing is also one of the simplest thing to do. It is just a twist in the state of mind. However, far from being simple, it is as difficult as emptying an ocean. This proves while even when believing in ourself is possible, yet a few grab the opportunity to really believe they can do something.

When you can believe the invisible, you can do teh impossible.

...Stay Inspired.

Monday, February 1, 2010


If you keep dreaming, staying focus on every step, there won't be any mountain high enough to stop you neither would there be any valley too low you won't be able to go over. Dream and focus are the basic friends that can always lead you to spectacular accomplishment.

...Stay Inspired.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Its a wonderful thing to dream the dreams of greatness and awesome to talk the talk of courage yet better it is to walk the word of faith in what dream you have and what talk you profess.

...Stay Inspired.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


The keeper of whose we are watches over us and brings to pass what desires of our heart aligns with his will. We all must understand how our desires transcend every other thing around us and so we must guide our desires graciously.

...Stay Inspired.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little More Effort!

Each desires backed by firm commitment breeds the seed of extraordinary accomplishment and produce the fruit of outstanding result. Make every commitment to reach dreams.

...Stay Inspired.

Friday, January 8, 2010


You could decide to live everyday or die each. Whatever choice you make is reflected in how each moment of your day is spent. Make the wise choice now!.

...Stay Inspired.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do You Really Love?

Each time we understand the need of a loved one in our life, we are driven with passion that stirs us beyond the limit the ordinary can go. Love is a magic force that can create the immaginable.

...Stay Inspired.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


If we do everything with the consciouness of time in mind, we will never be average in life. For no average person know how valuable a second really is.

...Stay Inspired.

Monday, January 4, 2010


When we are faced with what looks like defeat, we need not do anything but search for the path where the reflection of light is coming from. When you find this path, expand the path with everything that is in you and when you are done, you will see light shining again. For when your light shines, your defeat is gone.

...Stay Inspired.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Take Charge

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Does it matter?

Often people attribute their misfortune to the location they find themselves. Some say, if I live in New York or some kind of place, things would have been different. However, where we live is insignificant compared to what lives in us. For me, I live and do my business in the village, but the village had never lived in me. Instead I have become a source of inspiration to everyone around.

Friends, do not hesitate to change the thinking that has kept you from successful implementation of your life purpose. You can make a difference if the right thought of who you are lives in you.
- Charles Emeto

Friday, January 1, 2010

In this 2010, work very hard not to leave where you ought to be so that you won't live in where you ought not to be.